Curved Curtain Rod For Bay Window - curved windows, bay windows, bow windows - they looked so beautiful in any interior. But when you have to choose the treatment window to the window, you may face a major dilemma: to cover or not to cover. On the one hand they add a unique charm to your room, but on the other hand they look naked without dressing. And besides, sometimes you want to maintain your privacy and reduce the light, come out, is not it? If you face such a problem, do not worry -. Curved curtain rods can be a wonderful solution if you are considering adding a curtain, window valance or scarf for non-standard windows
Additionally, there are several variations of hardware curtains for arched windows. There are a number of companies that manufacture various types of curved, flexible and bendable curtain rods and tracks. They can vary depending on the material and price, so do your search and you will definitely find a solution for your arched windows.

Before looking drapery hardware, decide on the style of window treatment you wish to add to your arched windows. Do you want to hang the curtains? If so, what are they? What will be heavy curtains or sheers light weighted? Maybe you need a set of curtains? Are you going to add too valances, pelmet, or swags? Or, maybe you plan just to put a scarf decorative window above the arched windows to enhance its beauty? For each of these options you may need different types of rod arched windows.
Options You can consider arched windows you:
- stem Custom curved - you can get the rod across or rods wrought iron. Traverse rods are usually made of aluminum and can vary in how much weight you can hang on them. Iron rods are solid and look more attractive. This means that you can use it for curtains heavy weighted and can do so without valances or pelmets - iron bar itself can be eye-catching element of your window treatment, particularly with decorative finials. white or colored curtains or window scarf will look very attractive with an iron rod or painted black.
- Bay window curtain rod - the curtain rod is designed specifically for the windows. They are usually made of metal with a white color. They come in various sizes and can adjust to your specific window. Keep in mind that there are limits on how much weight they can support. Check it out when you shop for them. You also have the option to get a double bay window curtain track if you need to hang a set of curtains or blinds with a valance.
- Flexible cross the tracks curtain - a great solution for various types of non-standard windows and curved like the angle, bay, bow and arched windows. Several companies sell them on foot, others - in rolls or as single track width that can be cut and bent to your particular window. A minimum radius of typically 12 \\ \"metal song can be a standard, medium and heavy duty tasks -. For light, medium, heavy-weighted and weighted curtains.
- bent curtain rod - good for arched windows, oval and eyebrows. They become visible under the blinds because they are made of clear plastic. Like the metal tracks are flexible, they can be easily cut and bent to your arched windows. You can get a kit that includes hardware window rod, parts and instructions for installation.
Curtains and blinds are not the only variation window covering for arched windows. You have many other options -. Blinds, shades, shutters, stained glass

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